Dragatan is my main fursona, I use them to represent me in a lot of places.

I'm not too sure exactly what they are, canonically speaking they are a shapeshifter, because I can't ever draw them constantly, and they've gone through so many different designs I've just leaned into it. It's actually become one of my favorite parts about them, because I can stylize them however I want without having to worry about "staying true to their design." They simply change to fit whatever I need them to do, Canine, Feline, lanky, bulky, creepy, cute, ect., it all just depends on what I want to draw and what I'm in the mood for.

Their entire character is based on this fluidity, they don't have a set in stone gender and pronouns, they're just whatever. I've never fully decided their sexuality either, but I do tend to think of them as autosexual; they never seemed like the type to have much interest in sex or romance, but they do like the feeling of being sexual themself. Their design has grown and changed so much, originally they were a winged King Cheetah, then I added horns, then I started having fun drawing them more creepy with a big toothy smile, then I thought that Caracal ears looked cool on them, and THEN I started drawing them more canine cause it was easier to draw the teeth with that kind of snout. A lot of their design has been because I suck and draw something and my lack of skill incorporates itself in them. Their pure white eyes? That was because I could get the eye shape lookin good, but never the pupil; so I just decided they looked better without em'.

They've kinda grown up with me in a way, I made them near the end of elementary school, and they've been my main sona ever since. They went from a cis she/her, easygoing/wholesome character, to whatever the fuck we are now. Their personality is very much like their design: its changed a lot and I change it whenever I need them to do something different. At first, they were just a normal, nice Cheetah, with a fully fledged backstory that fit with a couple more OC's. It was like, really emo and tragic too. Then as I started experimenting with more creepy art in middle school, I found that they looked really cool in that style, so it just became part of their character. I started drawing them with suspicious weaponry, and gave them more of a serial killer vibe. I also completely scrapped their backstory, cause it sucked.

For a while they didn't have any lore, but as I started writing my current underworld project, I found that they fit right in, so I wrote a death that fit with their design, and even wrote them into some other characters' stories. Currently I think of them as a crazed member of a mafia, working for Lavina specifically, but to say that's "cannon" for them would be a lie.

Nothing is cannon for Drag, not their story, not their design, not even how I use them. Nothing is ever set in stone with them; it's how I stay interested in this character. Drag is just whateverthefuck and that's why I love them so much.